Sunday, January 24, 2010 more ways than one.

I've spent countless hours searching for the correct colors of yarn for this newest scarf. After placing three orders online, waiting for a particular color to be restocked, and an accidental find at the local yarn shop I'd collected all the right colors in the right weights (plus one or two extra balls of the wrong colors). A year in the making, the scarf took only 3 hours of stitching and now that it is finished I couldn't care less. Maybe because of dreaming about it for so long it has made it seem as though I've owned it for a while and am already tired of it. Also the color combination showed brilliant in the original inspiration photo and although mine are identical the finished object isn't as dazzling to my eyes. On the bright side, there is less yarn in my stash!

Lately the weather has been dreadful. I've taken to looking forward to the morning forcast so I can listen to the newsman make up new ways to say it is cloudy and will remain so for the entirety of the foreseeable future. Today it was "extremely overcast skies"

For knitting group today, I was asked to bring the snacks by the woman who had originally signed up as she was going out of town this weekend. I made honey-mustard, smoked ham & swiss pinwheels in puff pastry as well as bite sized quiche with bacon and bouquet garni. The cooking was fun and finger food is my all-time fav but my taste hasn't quite returned after my cold so I couldn't enjoy the nibbles.

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