Sunday, February 21, 2010

I took 45 minutes to write this junk

My best friend recently suggested I give her one or two of my finished scarves since I have a pile of them in my closet that I never wear but am too proud of to give up. I sent her shopping on my flicker account to pick one out. She emailed her request and mentioned that her 16 year old son, Zane, had been ogling one of my hats as she clicked through my knitting photos. I was taken aback from the compliment as I never expected a teenage boy to give a crap about looking through photos of hand knits much less want one of the items. The hat in question, I'm sure, is too small for his head; it's too small for the man I knit it for and my own as well. Wanting to fulfill Zane's wish, I told my friend that I could knit one for him. In true ADD fashion, I believed I could knit this hat in two days, three at the most and send it off with the scarf to my friend. As some of you may know, ADD folks tend to have a lot of difficulty realistically gauging the time it takes to complete a task. Anyway, I'm on week number two now (progress pic attached) but have not worked on the hat every day. The hat that was completed last year is going to get frogged because some of the yarn is needed for the new one and I want to be rid of the reminder that I spent time on a lovely-to-look-at item that doesn't fit anyone I know.

Today I found an entertaining podcast called Answer Me This! I've listened to four episodes now and quite enjoy it. You can check it out here or find it on iTunes. The hosts are quick-witted and often hilarious as they answer listener questions about.....well...anything. It reminded of the commercials for the cell phone, questions/answer, texting thing called KGB in a half-hour program format (with better questions). I also subscribed to a podcast called Grammar Girl. I figure that if I re-learn the rules of grammar and punctuation I won't have to spend so much time thinking about all the mistakes I don't know how to fix; I can spend the time concentrating on avoiding the over-use of "I" and maintaining the proper tense throughout.

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