Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Bedside table for the sick

Man, I hate being sick. Whats worse is being sick in a lonely, quiet apartment. Having others in the house going about their own business was always comforting to me when I was sick as a kid. The normalcy of other's lives allowed me to feel that better days were ahead for my sick self.

I don't know what exactly is wrong. Last night I felt chilly and very definately, off. I gathered my arsenal of natural medicines in case things got really bad and I didn't want to get out of bed. I never got comfortable before going to sleep and when I woke in the morning, I felt pretty much the same, very off. Its feels as though I have half of the symptoms of the flu and when it came on last night, it came on quickly like the flu. Anyway, I couldn't take it any more so I went to the doctor this evening and she thinks it could be the flu in a mild form or some other virus and that I should just treat it like the flu. Fluids, Fluids, and more Fluids.

Red beet juice is supposed to shut down the flu virus, I read today. At the store I had the deli prepare me two beet/carrot/ginger juices and an all greens juice. Also in my cart were two "superfruits" juices, some lemon/ginger/echinacia drink, three large Smart Waters and and some more Emergen-C. I'm trying to hit the water hard for the electrolites and mix in some of the fresh veggie juices. For dinner I drank some hot vegetable broth which wasn't much considering I had only consumed a small amount of blueberry protein shake for breakfast/lunch. Just not hungry but very tired of going pee.

No knitting happened today, or since the day I ripped back the hat. I gots no motivation because I want to work on the hat to get it done but it isn't enjoyable right now and I can't figure out exactly what to do with anything in my stash for a scarf, figuring that a single strand of yarn and a basic stitch repeat would appeal to me. For now I should go to bed and hope the rest will help shake this virus from me.

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